The panel of judges awarded Pershing GTX80 and wallypower50 prizes in the “Best Exterior Design” category, Custom Line Navetta 38 in the “Semi-custom Yacht” category and Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 80 in the “Best Layout” category. Cannes, September 17th, 2024 – Ferretti Group triumphed again this year at the eagerly awaited World Yachts Trophies 2024, which brings the Cannes Yachting Festival to a close. Organised by SG Publications, the event took place last Saturday September 14 and was attended by an audience of guests and industry insiders. Ferretti Group won four awards for the stylistic and design perfection of the new models presented at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2024. The peerless beauty of the Group’s boats and the numerous design and technology innovations presented were the reasons behind this resounding victory. The Awards are: Custom Line Navetta 38: Best Semi-custom Yacht Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 80: Best Layout Trophy in the 64-80 ft category (19.50-24 m); Pershing GTX80: Best Exterior Design Trophy in the 80-98 ft category (24-30 m); wallypower50: Best Exterior Design Trophy in the 45-98 ft category (13.70-30 m). This major success confirms the position of leadership held by the Group, which once again receives the industry’s most coveted awards in confirmation of its acclaimed aesthetic taste and innovation. Riding the wave of record results reported for the first half of the year, Ferretti Group continues to grow with many important new developments being announced in the coming months.
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